Japanese Association of Speech-Language-Hearing Therapists


To become a full member of JAS, you must pass the National License Examination for Speech-Language-Hearing Therapists, which is given once a year, usually in February. After passing the examination and being licensed by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, you are considered a Speech-Language-Hearing Therapist (SLHT) and become eligible for full membership in JAS. Affiliate membership is offered to students or those without an SLHT license; affiliate members must apply for renewal once a year. There are entry fees and annual fees for either type of membership.

One of the biggest benefits of becoming a member of JAS is the opportunity to exchange information with colleagues about a broad range of communication disorders and other associated problems. Other benefits are as follows:

  • Receipt of all of our publications, including newsletters and a journal (in Japanese)
  • Eligibility to submit papers and present them at our annual scientific meetings
  • Eligibility to submit papers to the Japanese Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research
  • The right to vote and run for offices (full members only)
  • Discounts on fees for workshops and seminars
  • Eligibility for members-only liability insurance

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